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Welcome to ePlanning, our online service that allows users to submit documents or search any planning matter, online, anytime. Create a user profile today and begin lodging your planning documents online, simply and quickly.

The Application Portal is for registered users to lodge planning application documents, objections and other planning information requests.

The Planning Register can be used by both registered users and guests to track a application’s progress, view documentation (including plans) and view the outcome of any planning permit application.

Please contact Planning Support during office hours on 8290 3329 if you require any assistance.

Planning Register

Online Search

To find a specific record, type the application or permit number or site address in the above fields.
Alternatively click the search button to display the
entire register.


The City of Stonnington's Statutory Planning unit is responsible for:

  • Assessing planning applications and amendments, for use and development of land;
  • Assessing applications for the subdivision of land;
  • Representing Council at planning appeals; and
  • Providing general planning advice to the community on statutory planning matters.

The Statutory Planning unit is located within the Stonnington City Centre at 311 Glenferrie Road (opposite Malvern Town Hall) and our Planning Counter is open 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. We have planners on duty everyday to assist with your general planning enquiries in person and by phone on 8290 3329. Please note that counter staff are unable to assist with unscheduled pre application meetings or detailed advice - these matters must be lodged in writing requesting the relevant advice.

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Planning Register

Our Planning Register is the quickest way to access planning information and can be used by public (non registered) and registered users alike.

If you know the application or permit number, type it in the Reference Number box, as this is the quickest and most accurate search method.

If you want a wider search, type the street name only (or street name and suburb combination), as this will return a greater selection of records and will ensure you don’t miss something important.

Once the application or permit is found, use the Action button to track an application’s progress, view documentation such as Advertised Material or decision documents (including plans) and view the outcome of any planning permit application.

If you select an Action that requires you to log in, you will be prompted to do by clicking the Log In option in the top right hand of the screen.

Tip: You can log in or create a user profile directly from the Planning Register. Please contact Planning Support during office hours on 8290 3329 for assistance with login and submissions.

Application Portal

Registered users who log in directly to the portal will be taken to personalised Home Page, which contains all current and past ePlanning submissions and Drafts not yet submitted.

Amy new matters must be located by searching the Planning Register first and saved to Drafts or submitted before appearing on the home page. If there are current applications lodged outside ePlanning that you want added to the user home page, just call Planning Support on 8290 3329 and they will be added to your profile.

Tip: When completing an online form, click the “return to home” house icon at any stage and you will be returned to the User Home page with all information and documents saved as a Draft, to complete in your own time.

All users are welcome to register with ePlanning, click the Register Here link and simply add your contact information ie name, company (if applicable), contact address and contact numbers / email etc. This information can be used to prefill any of our online forms during lodgement.